Disclosure according to § 25 e-Commerce Law
Owner of site and media:
KLINGER Fluid Control GmbH
Address and contact:
Am Kanal 8-10
A-2352 Gumpoldskirchen / Österreich
Tel: +43 (0) 2252 600-0
Fax: +43 (0) 2252 600-100
Web: http://www.klinger.kfc.at
Information about the company
Managing director: DI Friedrich Xaver Gruber
UID-Number: ATU43058908
Company registry number: 161.557i
Place of company registry: Wiener Neustadt
Business operating area
Design, development, production, advancement and worldwide distribution of industrial valves and borosilicat gauge glasses.
Purpose of the website
The homepage of KLINGER Fluid Control GmbH gives information about products, services and field of activities of the company.
Legal provisions for the website of KLINGER Fluid Control
By entering this website you acknowledge in full the provisions stated below as follows: KLINGER Fluid Control reserves the right to adapt or modify any content of this website without prior notice. This website has been established with utmost care, yet errors may not be totally excluded. Hence, KLINGER Fluid Control does not warrant the correctness and accuracy of the information contained in this website, and KLINGER Fluid Control disclaims liability for the information provided herein. The website of KLINGER Fluid Control may contain hyperlinks to websites operated by third parties. KLINGER Fluid Control does not assume any responsibility whatsoever for the contents or authenticity of any web pages retrieved from these links.
All articles, interpretations, documents and photos on the website http://www.klinger.kfc.at are copyrighted and are not allowed to get copied, duplicated or absorbed by others without our acceptance.
Gender note
The personal and professional names used on this website only appear in one form for the sake of better readability, but of course they apply equally to both genders.
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Munich location: Image Munich: © Thomas Wolf, www.foto-tw.de
Concept & Realization